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The work of the curatorial Re:Borders collective focuses on human rights, migration and flight.  With their joint debut exhibition RE:BORDERS at Kunstquartier Bethanien in early 2024, they explored the interface between political art, educational work and action.

The collective creates spaces to deal with experiences of flight and migration biographies in a low-threshold way. In doing so, it pursues the idea of combining questions of representation with aesthetic and poetic experiences. In addition, the collective has an impact on reality: the networking of civil society actors plays a central role in raising a voice against structural racism, right-wing extremism and social grievances.


Wir bedanken uns, für die freundliche Unterstützung dieses Projekts, durch die "Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung".
Wir bedanken uns, für die freundliche Unterstützung dieses Projekts, durch das "Bild Kunst Kulturwerk".
Designelement, pulverisiert,
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